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欧盟市场强制要求境内销售的防水材料(防水用聚合物改性沥青厚涂层)需要进行CE认证,防水材料CE认证根据EN 15814标准来进行欧盟CE认证。EN15814防水材料欧盟CE认证从2016年07月10日起开始强制实施。南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号实验室授权合作机构,专业提供建材CPR法规下EN 15814防水材料CE认证。

防水材料CE认证标准- EN 15814

EN 15814:2011+A2:2014 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing-Definitions and requirements 防水用聚合物改性沥青厚涂层.定义和要求。EN 15814标准规定了防水材料申请CE标志认证需满足的基本特征。

EN 15814防水材料CE认证标准适用范围
EN 15814-This European standard specifies the definitions and requirements of prefabricated polymer modified bituminous thick coating used for the waterproofing of below ground structures. It applies to both one-component and two-components products. These products can be used with or without inlay.
EN 15814 standard does not apply to products that are to be used for roof waterproofing.

如想要获取EN15814标准更多产品信息以及报价,请联系--李S--电话15012685984 微信同号  


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